So, it occurs at a conscious level and involves mental activity. Listening is a skill to carefully perceive the sound waves and understand them by transforming them into a meaningful message. We cannot hear above and below this level. Human has the capability to hear a sound between 20 to 20000 Hertz. It is not about getting any information etc. We hear different sounds because it is a physiological act. We hear noise or many other sounds without considering them. The hearing is an involuntary activity and does not require any concentration. It is actually a natural trait to receive sounds that are always present around us. The hearing is an automatic and accidental brain response of sounds that requires no effort. The mind is not involved during the hearing while listening involves the activity of mind too. Hearing is a subconscious act while listening takes place consciously. Whereas Listening is a proper way of receiving sound carefully and understanding it. The hearing is just a sense of receiving these sound waves and noise etc. We are surrounded by a number of sounds most of the time. These two terms may seem to mean the same, but there exists a fine line of difference between them. Hearing and listening are two activities related to the use of ear. We listen to get information or to receive knowledge.

We cannot control the sounds that we hear and even not aware of them. Hearing does not involve any mental activity.

Listening is an act of properly analyzing and understanding the sound. The hearing is simply a way of perceiving sound waves or noise etc. Able to perceive sound Comparison Chart Hearing